




夏天是一個炎熱的季節(jié),現(xiàn)在隨著生活水平不斷地提高,對于室內的衛(wèi)生也越來越注重,而且夏季的到來,很容易發(fā)生細菌的滋生。 Summer is a hot season, now as life level continuously improve, for indoor health is becoming more and more attention, and the arrival of summer, it is easy to breed bacteria.   夏季地面保潔有講究 Summer ground cleaning has exquisite   1.使用工具:牽塵器、地拖、鏟刀、笤帚、簸箕等其它清潔用具; 1. The use of tools: lead dust collector, mop, shovel knife, broom, dustpan and other cleaning equipment;   2.使用材料:牽塵液、地面清洗劑、洗衣粉,除塵液; 2. The use of material: liquid lead dust, ground cleaning agent, washing powder, dust removal liquid;   3.操做要求:由最里邊的臥室沿地面往外清理,有污漬或口香膠時,需用鏟刀鏟起,用抹布擦凈再繼續(xù)除塵或清掃拖擦。牽塵罩、抹布要經常用洗滌靈水或洗衣粉水漂洗,干凈后繼續(xù)使用; 3. Fuck do requirements: from outside to the inside the bedroom along the ground clean, there are stains or sweet gum, need the shovel shovel, rag wipe dust removal or cleaning mop wipe again. Lead dust cover, dusters are often use detergent rinse water or detergent water, clean and continue to use after;   4.衛(wèi)生標準:無污跡、印痕、無雜物、無衛(wèi)生死角、保持石材光澤度。 4. Health standard: no stains, marks, without impurities, no health dead Angle, keep stone luster.   家庭門窗保潔有竅門 Door window cleaning with tips   門窗保潔是家政保潔服務中蓋土網(wǎng) 防寒布 麻繩 油麻繩 麻刀 瀝青麻繩 靜壓造型線 自動澆注機 鑄鐵拍門 鋼制拍門 玻璃鋼拍門最有技術含量的項目之一,快來看看有哪些竅門運用吧! Door window cleaning is domestic cleaning services in one of the most technical project, will quickly see what are the tips for use!   1.使用工具:玻璃刮、玻璃涂水器、鏟刀等; 1. Use the tools: glass, water glass coating scraper, shovel, etc;   2.使用材料:玻璃清潔劑、亮光劑; 2. The use of material: glass cleaner, light agent;   3.夏季擦玻璃的竅門:一、用玻璃涂水器蘸玻璃清潔劑和混合好的水均勻擦洗玻璃表面;二、用玻璃刮刀將玻璃上的污垢刮掉;三、用玻璃涂水器蘸凈水洗滌玻璃表面;四、用玻璃刮子將玻璃上的水刮凈;五、用抹布擦干玻璃表面;六、如仍有斑跡可在局部用清潔布或者刮刀清除干凈。 3. The summer to wipe the glass tip: a, painted the dip in the water glass with glass cleaner and good water mixing scrub the glass surface; Second, the glass scraper scrape off the dirt on the glass. Three, dip in with glass coated water clean water washing glass surface; Fourth, the water on the glass with glass wiper scrape. Five, rag wipe the glass surface; Six, as is, there are patches in the local or scraper clean with clean cloth.   給家具做“天然”保潔 "Natural" cleaning, furniture


  1. 電話:17731871086
  2. 手機:13463278889
  3. 地址:麗景藍灣B區(qū)東門路南潔匠清潔用品超市

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