




大廳保潔衛(wèi)生要求 Cleaning and sanitary requirements in the hall (1)玻璃:玻璃表面清潔明亮,無水漬、無積灰、無手印。玻璃幕墻(2m以下)保持潔凈、無灰塵,自動門、窗、隔斷清潔光亮。 (1) glass: the glass surface is clean and bright, no water stains, no dust and no fingerprints. The glass curtain wall (below 2m) is clean and dust-free, and automatic doors, windows and partitions are clean and bright. (2)不銹鋼、鋁合金材料:保持光潔、明亮,無污痕、無油垢、無手印、無積灰。 (2) Aluminum Alloy materials: stainless steel, keep clean and bright, no stain, no grease, no fingerprints, no dust. (3)電梯、樓梯、自動步道、自動扶梯:電梯門框光亮無污跡、無手??;扶手無灰塵,樓梯欄桿無積塵、無手??;步行臺階無污跡、無雜物。 (3) elevator, staircase, automatic footpath, escalator: elevator door frame light no stain, no handprint; no dust in the armrest, staircase railing without dust, no handprint; walking steps without stains, no debris. (4)地面(花崗石、地磚、橡膠地板):地面必須清潔光亮,無雜物、無積水、無積灰、無痰跡。 (4) floor (granite, floor tile, rubber floor): the floor must be clean and bright, no sundries, no water accumulation, no dust accumulation and no phlegm. (5)地毯、地墊:保持清潔無紙屑、無雜物、無煙蒂、無污漬、無水漬、無積灰。 (5): clean carpets, mats no paper, no debris, no cigarette butts, no dirt, no dust, no stains. (6)座椅:擺放整齊,保持清潔,無灰塵、無污跡;可容許有少量塵埃,拍打座位后,沒有明顯的塵埃,沒有污跡及碎屑。 (6) seat: neatly placed, clean, no dust, no stain; can allow a small amount of dust, flapping the seat, there is no obvious dust, no stain and debris. (7)電話亭:電話亭臺面及四周清潔無灰塵、無雜物。 (7) telephone booth: the telephone booth is clean and clean. (8)通風(fēng)口:通風(fēng)口保持清潔、無積灰、無蜘蛛網(wǎng)。 (8) vent: air vent is clean, no ash and no spider web. (9)吸煙室:地面保持清潔、無紙屑、無雜物、痰漬。煙缸干凈、無明顯異味, 無明顯垃圾、 痰漬,可容不超出十根的煙蒂頭。 (9) smoking room: keep the floor clean, no paper, no impurities and sputum stains. The ashtray clean, no smell, no garbage, sputum stains, capacity does not exceed ten of the head butts. (10)母嬰室、殘障休息室內(nèi):地面保持清潔、無紙屑、無雜物、痰漬異味,每日定時對室內(nèi)進行消毒。 (10) mother and infant room, disabled rest room: the ground is clean, no paper, no impurities, and sputum and odor. Every day, indoor disinfection is regularly done. (11)更衣室:地面保持清潔,室內(nèi)整潔無異味。 (11) locker room: the floor is clean, clean and clean. (12)柜臺:柜臺外表清潔無灰塵、無污跡,柜臺臺面無紙屑、無雜物。 (12) counter: the exterior of the counter is clean without dust and stains. There is no paper scrap and no litter on the counter. (13)垃圾桶:擺放整齊、保持箱內(nèi)外清潔,無滿溢,無異味、無污水、無污痕。 (13): trash neatly, keep clean inside and outside box, no overflow, no smell, no water, no stain. (14)飲水機、紙杯桶:清潔光亮、保持干爽、無污痕、無水跡,飲水機水槽內(nèi)無雜物,無滿溢、無異味。 (14) drinking machine and paper cup can be clean and bright, keep dry, stain free and water free. There is no impurity in the water tank of the drinking machine, no overflow and no odor. (15)消防箱:外表清潔光亮,無灰塵。 (15) fire box: the appearance is clean and bright without dust. (16)墻面:墻面潔凈無污漬、無積灰、無破損、無印記斑點,四周天花板無蜘蛛網(wǎng)、無污跡,墻釉面磚色澤光亮。 (16) wall: the wall is clean, no stains, no ash, no breakage, no mark, no spider web, no stain around the ceiling, wall glaze tile color and lustre. (17)裝飾欄:無灰塵、無蜘蛛網(wǎng)、無手印、光潔。 (17) decorative columns: no dust, no spider web, no fingerprints, and smooth


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  2. 手機:13463278889
  3. 地址:麗景藍灣B區(qū)東門路南潔匠清潔用品超市